Tuesday 19 June 2012

Re-thinking the Plan

Alright, so this post is going to be short. Since I'm having so much trouble with doing these comics and the such, I've decided to just make them single pictures panels. If I can add a pew more panels, I will, but I just want to be able to start drawing it at this point. Right now, my mind has been taken over by both Pokemon and Harvest Moon, so it's been a little tricky for me. I've been drawing Pokemon for the past couple of deviantArt entries. It's crazy, but it's fun.

Right now, this whole Mythobox thing is just gonna have to be put off to the side till I get things straightened out. I think I probably started Mythobox a little too early, back in March, so that was my mistake. I'm also thinking about making children books, so we'll see how that goes.

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